The Things They Come Up With

Have you ever heard of interactive porn? I had no idea what the hell it was until I visited Life Selector. This shit is crazy. If you’ve never tried it you have to check it out. It’s a real game changer for the porn industry. Sometimes it’s fine to just sit back and watch porn. Watch as they do whatever the directors tell them to. You just watch and get off. It’s done it’s job. But what if you want in on the action? Well, that’s when interactive porn comes in to play.

At Life Selector you are in complete control of the porn. Hell you even pick who you want to be. Once you decide on your role you pick the story you want to play out. As you go through the story you get to decide what happens. For example say you want to fuck. Well, do you want her to ride you or do you want behind her? You pick. Want to smack her ass or pull her hair? You decide that too. Get this 80% discount to Life Selector porn games and get in the porn.