Sapphire Barefoot

At Sapphire Barefoot, the site is a collection of videos with foot fetish fun, toe sucking, toe pussy fucking, and a lot more exclusive videos that will blow your mind away at times. The site has plenty of hardcore kinky feet action, and they videos and photos in the members area are highly recommended. The site is all girl on girl though, and this will attract lesbian fans as well.

With Sapphire Barefoot, there are over 130+ videos available for members, and plenty of women will find that they show off their sexy bodies and feet in a highly appreciative manner. Membership gets you access to a few other lesbian related sites as well. There are 130+ videos available to stream or download, and are in HD format. Updates are made 3-5 times per week, and they are worthwhile to view and watch. Plenty of women love the site already, and you will too, only at Sapphire Barefoot.